Sunday, May 13, 2012

Annoying tear stains! ★toy poodle teacup poodle pocket tea cup poodle red poodle silver poodle gray poodle black poodle cream poodle apricot poodle brown poodle teddy bear poodle adorable puppy★

Annoying tear stains! | 我家的狗狗淚線有點嚴重

(Toy Poodles|Teacup Poodles|International Delivery)

There are many reasons cause the tear stain, for instant, it can be traced by its genetic, the environment, ear inflammation or water and food sources.
Its face hair can be a breeding ground for bacteria growth especially with the humidity and the tear ducts may be infected and cause noticeable reddish- brown staining. Also for tearing and staining, the genetic can be the main concern. This can only be improved by certain products and the maintain routine.

Another one is the environment source. The owner will have to make sure you can provide your puppy a clean living environment in order to minimize the allergy possibility and prevent the tear stains happening.  

How to remove the tear stain?
In all, your first step is to find out the reason of tear stains. The best is to consult with your veterinarian to determine the source.

Otherwise, Teddy Mommy recommends ANGELS’ BRIGHT to you!    
-It’s the newest and the most effective treatment for dog tear stains.
-It has been very popular in America and European countries.
-ANGEL’S BRIGHT has cured many dogs tear stains issue. In the first 15 days the owner can see a huge improvement.
How does it work?
<3 months
1/8 spoon/day  
W: 2-5 lbs
1/4 spoon/day
W: 5-8 lbs
1/2 spoon/day
W: 8-12 lbs
3/4 spoon/day
W:<12 lbs

The first three months after the improvement, just simply feed your dog 2 to 4 times ANGEL’s BRIGHT a week, this will grantee to bring your dog a healthy pair of eyes

However, it would also depend on the dog. Sometimes, the tear stains will be improved slowly after 35 days. Please note it will not help if your dog tear stains is caused by its ear inflammation and irritation from its eyelashes.

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Teddy Mommy 

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